The hem of the outer garment also had a long, jagged rent.
Moonlight shone through a jagged rent in the hull.
She stumbled, her body slamming against the fabric, and it tore in a huge, jagged rent.
The girl spun about as the bliaut tore open in a long, jagged rent along its whole length.
He made a jagged rent at the end of the last strip so as to give an impression that the escape rope had broken.
He came finally to the fissure, a mighty, jagged rent in the universe.
I watched him climb down the jagged rent of the shaft.
The land was cleft before him, a jagged rent in the earth where someone had begun to dig, then abandoned the effort.
Through a jagged rent in stone and earth they could peer into the bottom of the inferno.
I was speechless, looking at the long, jagged rent in the bosom of his coat.