With expensive jade jewelry, a big smile and an unshakable air of confidence, Katrina Leung always made an impression when she entered a room.
Mr. Gil's earlobes have holes the size of quarters, and in the upper inner part of his ears he wears dime-size jade jewelry.
It sold for $2 million, an auction record for a piece of jade jewelry.
They came to view everything from classic Chinese ceramics and jade jewelry to modern and contemporary painting.
From a storefront workshop, they sold jade jewelry and Mayan replicas and shared information about some of their finds with scientists.
Hair in a bun, China doll make-up, jade jewelry.
She greeted visitors dressed in a green silk robe and matching antique jade jewelry.
Pre-Roman archaeological discoveries include Bronze Age axes and jade jewelry.
At the top of a stepped temple Maya rulers are shown in all their jaguar finery, jade jewelry, and magnificent headdresses.
Olmec influences can be seen in cave paintings such as those found in Juxtlahuaca and well as stone tools and jade jewelry from the time period.