A gust of wind made my jacket flap behind me.
Getting up, he eased his finger from the pages of the book and slipped the jacket flap in where it had been.
The jacket flap promises that this book begins a new series, so we may hope for adventures in future volumes.
"The book brings the taste of Italian summer to your table, wherever you are," the jacket flap promises.
Inches of admiring reviews covered the jacket flaps, comments from every recognized expert in the historical field.
A young assistant helped me write press releases, but many, if not most, of the jacket flaps were my own work.
I read the jacket flap, decided not to buy a copy, and forgot all about Harry Potter.
"Just this," Bolan said, slowly lowering his jacket flap while holding out his other arm.
The jacket flap tells us that the story "explores what happens when the extraordinary becomes a part of everyday life."
Intrigued, he peruses the copy on the jacket flaps.