From them he had learnt the itinerant lifestyle of the hunter and the African trader.
In addition, their itinerant lifestyle often attracted fugitives to join their ranks.
Modern-day conditions and attitudes, and the tendency towards a more itinerant lifestyle, particularly among business people, required this.
He worked in several jobs and lived an itinerant lifestyle until the mid-1970s, when his plays began to attract attention.
They are unrelated to the Abdal of Turkey, the only thing common between the two groups is an itinerant lifestyle.
He married in 1869, and two years later tried settling down to a less itinerant lifestyle.
Their itinerant lifestyles meant that they courted long-distance, via letter and emails.
When this activity was neither in season nor profitable, Indian people of this area sought agricultural employment, which required an itinerant lifestyle.
He goes on to describe a story of heartbreak caused by his itinerant lifestyle, as his lover did not travel with him.
Many monks who had finished their first training may have used Ajanta as a base to return to during the monsoon season from an itinerant lifestyle.