Prosecutors said items seized from Sergeant Lonetree included a Soviet flag and books on Leninism.
In the search for such telling evidence, investigators pored over the items seized from the suspects' Park Slope apartment.
After doing so, it could consider to which employees the item or items seized are related to through employment.
They were still lying on the back seat, along with all the items seized from Councillor Marshall's car.
Another two drove over, in a van, to carry any items seized as part of the search.
Houses documents and items seized by the national troops and their allies during and at the end of the Spanish Civil War.
The items seized were not returned.
The items seized from his apartment by federal investigators included gunpowder, pipes and drill bits, he said.
The ruling does not apply to about two dozen items of evidence seized at the Simpson estate after the warrant was obtained.
He notes that the items seized were no different than what many aid workers operating in conflict zones might be expected to carry.