Every item purchased provides a direct economic lifeline to the artists.
Make sure any items purchased can be shipped, so you don't have to make your way home from the airport looking like a Sherpa.
In many states, cooked food is subject to sales tax but the same item purchased frozen is exempt.
Because of this, buyers are not refunded if they do not receive the item purchased.
The game developers periodically add new crops and items to purchase, keeping the game interesting.
Few items have dropped in price recently to help compensate - and not items often purchased.
Paying once a month for goods requires less money on average than paying separately for each item purchased.
This tax now decreases by 7% per year for every year an item purchased at auction remains with the purchaser.
The online content manager shows the what items the subscriber has purchased for the phone.
In relation to Ireland, one item purchased there over the Christmas period actually exploded, and the name of the manufacturer was not identifiable.