Watch out for strange item descriptions, including those reading as if they have been translated by an automated translator.
Shipping charges are usually detailed in the item description.
Along with the main plot analysis, it also contains character relationship charts, artwork, item descriptions and file transcripts for all five games.
Item Description Need to know a favorite passage or need to answer a question, but you do not have your bible with you?
Rental suppliers upload their items, including an image, item description, and price for the rental duration.
This includes preparing item descriptions, completing photo shoots as well as packaging and shipping of the ordered items.
The item description reads; "A replica of a claw of a legendary Newman."
The game is humorous in nature, and most quests, battles and individual item descriptions include jokes, witticisms, or references to popular culture.
Toys "R" Us will buy the inventory, set the prices, write the item descriptions and get credit for the revenue and any potential profits or losses.
Item Description Your browser does not support JavaScript.