The two galleries deemed historic, however, do curiously include recent items to cover the city's 150-year history.
You might notice that those items cover religion, politics, and culture, the same topics covered by the questions from the audience.
These items cover nearly every class of product.
The next three items cover different facets of designing for need.
These items cover subjects such as archaeology, history, social history and folklife.
Webb has published 12 books and over 400 other items covering a broad range of topics.
They retrieved the few items they'd brought with them, including the hidden rifle, then covered the plane with the brush.
For example, many items were written from an adult perspective and did not cover content critical to adolescence (e.g., peers, school).
These half-dozen items, with the arguments that preceded and followed them, covered reasonably well the possible attitudes towards war.
From the original two items, it had grown until the items listed covered over half the screen.