It was issued by the 923 registration offices at district level across the country.
The increasing number of mercury-related fish consumption advisories being issued across the country.
Throughout its history the College has issued advice across the whole range of medical and health matters.
January 10-18: Numerous flood warnings were issued across much of the region.
Licenses were issued in 1995 to eleven community and community of interest groups across the country.
A second storm in the late afternoon caused another watch to be issued across Iowa and Illinois.
Growing numbers of subpoenas may soon be issued across Louisiana, where local politics remains a blood sport and corruption has been a bad habit.
This project went operational in 1995 when licenses were issued to eleven community and community of interest groups across the country.
The alternate version was issued for its original theatrical release across the US in 1974.
Hundreds of medals have been issued to survivors and relatives across the world.