The current issue 10-year inflation-index note was trading at a price to yield 3.97 percent.
Late yesterday, the outstanding two-year issue was trading at a price to yield about 7.30 percent.
This issue traded at a yield of 8.49 percent.
But linking these issues to trade made no obvious sense and produced scant results.
The issue, with a coupon of 13.5 percent, was a success and immediately traded at a premium.
In recent months, the two issues have traded as low as $52 and $58.
Late Monday the closely watched issue was trading at a price to yield 8.98 percent.
Various issues of bonds traded at $35 to $50 per $100 face value.
The issue traded well after the auction results were announced.
Early in the day, the 30-year issue traded as high as 102 1/2.