Since its creation more than 80 years ago, the accounting office has issued thousands of authoritative decisions on the legality of federal spending.
Critics say, however, that once officials discover they can issue literally thousands of tickets almost automatically, then tickets instead of warnings are sure to follow.
To bring the problem under control, the police have made arrests and issued thousands of summonses.
"We would have to issue thousands of vouchers each month," he said.
During his more than 30 years on the bench, he issued thousands of decisions in both civil and criminal cases.
It issues countless thousands of free passes to judges, bankers, editors, ministers, university men, members of state legislatures, and of Congress.
Prior to the crash, Kreuger had issued thousands of participating debentures.
But there are now 90 agencies issuing thousands of new rules each year.
Photographers and election monitors were dispatched to issue hundreds of thousands of temporary identity cards to voters.
Yet while regulatory changes have stopped most companies from issuing thousands of new discounted options, executives have continued to benefit as previous awards vest.