The issue has provoked one of the most intense battles over pollution regulations in recent decades.
The issue is already provoking a fight in Congress.
But this issue provoked him, and his relationship with Steinbrenner is obviously strained.
The resulting costs have imposed an increasing burden on local taxpayers, and the issue is now provoking public debate.
This issue has long provoked political controversy, and led to the historians' dispute within Germany in the 1980s.
Even 20,000 years in the future, such issues can still provoke recognizable human passions.
One issue, however, sometimes provokes questions about the Desmarais clan.
The issue had provoked emotional reactions since January 1986, when the fund-raising effort drew attention to the convent.
More complex issues almost certainly will provoke further rancor.
The issue provoked a surge of public opinion in Britain clamouring for a military solution.