But other issues have also plagued the fledgling long-term care insurance business.
He said many of the issues plaguing the economy looked set to moderate in the longer term, including the current high inflation.
The 2009/10 season was thought of to have much promise but instead came up short, as many off-field issues plagued the boys.
Legal issues about copyright still plague the downloading of music from the Web.
Similar issues may plague the media giants as they seek to merge more production and distribution today.
This issue plagued filming for several days, and was finally resolved by running a lengthy cable from the local town hall.
But issues concerning the sale still plagued the bridge.
Other issues could also plague the new network.
Other issues such as domestic violence and solvent abuse also plague Greenland.
This issue doesn't plague the current Social Security program quite as much, because so many voters are eligible to receive benefits.