Both teams have expressed hope that this issue would not overshadow the cricket.
Overshadowing this superficial bonhomie, of course, are serious issues of trade policy and military cooperation.
Racial issues overshadowed the sexual assaults that took place.
But the issues of crime and drugs have overshadowed the campaign.
Whether it is guilt by association or just innocent questioning, the issues surrounding doping have overshadowed nearly everything else in track and field.
He has stated, "Financial issues overshadow everything else going on in Washington.
Unfortunately, other issues of this country have completely overshadowed that.
He retired from football on 15 March 2013, because the issue in football had overshadowed the risk of heart disease.
But since then, one issue has overshadowed all others: the death of Mr. Diallo.
I regret that this issue has overshadowed - at least in the headlines - the broader and more important work we have been doing.