The first issue of Action Comics appeared in June 1938, with a thrilling cover showing a caped, superstrong figure hoisting a car overhead, an image that Mr. Liebowitz selected.
Superman's creators, Mr. Siegel and Mr. Shuster, signed over millions in future rights and licensing royalties for Action No. 1, the first issue of Action Comics.
Lawson first came to prominence as the creator of The Lone Avenger, an Australian comic book hero, whose first appearance was in the second issue of Action Comics in 1946, running for thirteen years, eventually taking over the entire comic and selling up to 70,000 copies.
In the New 52, a Metropolis policeman called "Casey" has appeared in a minor role in a few issues of Action Comics, usually being yelled orders by Detective Blake.
His letters were also published on a regular basis in issues of Superman, Action Comics, Adventure Comics, The Flash and other DC Comics publications.
He was assistant editor to Julius Schwartz on issues of Action Comics, Detective Comics, and Superman.
She has also appeared in many issues of Superman, Action Comics, and Superman New Krypton starting with the World Without Superman event in 2009, and continuing with the World Against Superman event going into 2010.
In April 2011, the 900th issue of Action Comics was released.
The original Tigress appeared as Zatara's primary foe throughout several issues of Action Comics, including issues 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 22, 23, 30, 35, and 42.
A recent issue of Action Comics offers a possible explanation as to the Phantom Zone's disappearance.