It would include information on writing constituent letters, floor statements and issue briefs.
Legislative reports and issue briefs from caucuses are a major resource for them.
In addition, Stimson produces reports, issue briefs, commentary and background papers.
The Federation has published a number of issue briefs on property tax issues in the Chicago area.
An issue brief on the Illinois Medicaid system.
This issue brief is the second in a two-part series examining teachers' access to and use of data from student data systems.
Responsibilities include: Attending hearings, writing issue briefs, acquiring research materials for the legislative staff.
The organization also sends issue briefs to its members throughout the country outlining topics and issues that might be of interest to them.
NIRS has issued 20 reports and issue briefs to date.
These include: early releases, issue briefs, statistical reports, directories, and handbooks of standard terminology.