The initial plan was to have two or three stories per issue based on films, TV, and games.
And the total issue during the year, based on statements from the Treasury, will be cut about 40 percent.
So here's our look back through the year - with issues based resources you can bookmark to use time and again.
Such trading commonly involves a swap between two similar issues based on an anticipated change in price spreads.
The Council serves an advisory role on issues based on existing organization policy.
Protest groups tend to be single issue based and are often local in terms of the scope of change they wish to effect.
The party is issues based and adapts directly in response to the wishes of the members of the party.
"I pick issues based on their substance and not on the personalities of the people involved."
I cannot imagine that the president will give attention to issues based on their popularity.
The college has adopted a 'local solutions' approach to address this issue, based its advice to the Secretary of State in 2006.