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Despite these restrictions, the American companies have issued huge amounts of privately placed securities in the last decade, avoiding the time, cost and disclosure required in the public markets.
The death sentence he issued amounts as it were to a review of the book.
Tang rulers issued large amounts of currency to facilitate trade and distributed land under the equal-field system.
The states' right to issue unlimited amounts of tax-exempt bonds for traditional government purposes has never been seriously challenged.
While Mr. Basson was the auditor, from 1987 through 1992, the charges said, "Towers ballooned into a gigantic Ponzi scheme, issuing ever-larger amounts of debt."
"Counties will need to issue relatively large amounts of debt to finance landfills or waste-to-energy facilities," the Moody's report said.
At the same time they passed new taxes to pay for part of the war, and issued large amounts of bonds to pay for the most of the rest.
Wall Street investment houses saw a healthy flow of fees in the third quarter as corporations continued to issue large amounts of stocks and bonds.
Japanese corporations have been issuing large amounts of Eurobonds, as well as bonds that are convertible into stock or bonds with stock warrants.
That structure involved issuing substantial amounts of stock to company founders and consultants, like Mr. Pace, at very low prices before the public offerings.
Although many people are concerned by this, the issue amounts to little more than a temporary fad.
In reality, however, the issue amounts to a pre-ordained acquisition of new shares for cash by third parties (ie the underwriters).
The issue before the jury was therefore not what he did but whether what he did amounted to violent disorder.
He and others took issue with the decertification process, which they said amounted to interference in Colombia's internal affairs.
Ms. Reno's repeated refusal to bring in an independent prosecutor on the fund-raising issue has amounted to a disgraceful dereliction of duty.
The first issue amounted to 242 million dollars.
With roughly $12 billion in new bank equities sold over the same period, the issues amounted to 6.7 percent of Mexico's gross domestic product.
Company stock was now trading at £123, so the issue amounted to injecting £5 million of new money into a booming economy just as interest rates were falling.
This issue of shares amounted to 20% of the then issued capital, and they were taken up by existing shareholders.
So the issue amounts to a pre-emptive strike, a legal brief, a blueprint for some future "Stop Tribe" movement.