He taught courses on Congress, political leadership, issue advocacy, election strategies, conservative political theory, and the constitutional separation of powers.
Where is the line between issue advocacy and pure campaign ads aimed at influencing elections?
This is an example of issue advocacy.
But she said that it qualified as issue advocacy.
The other advertisement, attacking Mr. Clinton on the budget, is a more customary example of issue advocacy.
It does not limit spending on issue advocacy by independent groups but it requires more disclosure.
Any new law must close loopholes that have let labor unions and businesses help candidates by disguising campaign ads as "issue advocacy."
The group operates under a tax provision allowing it to engage in issue advocacy but not to campaign for or against candidates.
The 1970s saw the Cardinal maintain its strong issue advocacy, but opinion began to shift to more campus, rather than national, angles.
Much of the advertising last year by unions, and the response by business groups, were called issue advocacy.