Throughout its history the College has issued advice across the whole range of medical and health matters.
In 2012, the company issued advice to consumers on staying safe with Ukash.
It is the first time they have combined to issue UK-wide advice on exercise among the under-fives.
This includes issuing any specific instructions or advice from police or the government, if members of the public are directly affected.
The Federal Government has issued advice on how to avoid becoming ill from these or other bacteria.
It is issued 13 times per year and features "riding and practical advice for your horse."
A campaign to issue athletes condoms and advice on sexually transmitted infections also met with resistance from religious leaders.
Prevention, however, depends on knowing enough about people's sexual attitudes and behavior to issue the appropriate warnings and advice.
- Britain has issued new advice to its nationals in Yemen.
Indeed, the scientific committee is tasked to issue advice about scientific issues regarding the Centre's activities.