He was the first to isolate DNA ligase, an enzyme that links pieces of DNA together.
The Model 340A Nucleic Acid Extractor became used in medical labs to isolate DNA from bacteria, blood, and tissue.
To extract a blood meal from the abdomen of an insect to isolate and analyze DNA, the insect must first be killed by placing it in 96% ethanol.
Related activities tomorrow and Sunday include a theater show and a workshop to isolate DNA.
Nucleic acids were originally discovered in 1868 by Friedrich Meischer, a Swiss biologist, who isolated DNA from pus cells on bandages.
He isolated yer human DNA.
The scientists were not able to isolate DNA from marmoset eggs, but they did find that 2 out of 21 marmoset ovaries were chimeric.
Within days of discovering the remains of Mr. Dahl, scientists isolated human DNA in bear droppings taken from the scene.
Cell pellets obtained from the swabs were used to isolate DNA.
The field came to prominence because we've been able to use these techniques to isolate and amplify DNA from very old bones.