"You get to know the island kids," said Tracey Carlson, a New London 10th grader in her second year at the island school.
The Coaches primary role is to transport local students to island schools and the Isle of Wight College.
After the island school was shut down, she became a teacher in Okinawa, still keeping in touch with Kokoro.
The initiative gained traction after school district 51 considered downsizing the island elementary school.
I had been in Scatha's island school for over six months, by my reckoning.
The biggest, along the upland side, was the island school.
The island schools won four times in five tries yesterday with New Dorp leading the way.
Manx-language playgroups also exist and Manx language classes are available in island schools.
Upon leaving Dalhousie, Montgomery worked as a teacher in various island schools.
Pupils transfer to the AHS from both local primary schools and remote island primary schools.