In short, the island government failed completely according to the report.
But many other island governments are more protective of their land.
The latter play was about three American mercenaries who are placed on trial following a defeated coup of a leftist island government.
By 2002 the license revenue was so great that the island government had no debt and had built up more than £80 million in savings.
The taxes imposed by the island governments vary from 5 to about 12 percent and are added to hotel bills.
Before the mission could be initiated, the island government joined the Free French in 1943, and the invasion was canceled.
A Japanese company loaned millions to the island government.
Fifty-one percent of the respondents favor throwing out town charters and creating a single island government.
Steve Christian's sister was then installed as mayor until a new election could be held for a new island government.
In 1999, this was taken up by the island government.