Harry later -; not so much later - sought to marry an island girl, and settled down.
The pretty island girl said, "I take care of you when you sick.
By the time he returned, half a dozen island girls had sauntered past, and their perfume hung in the still air.
The unalterable fact was that in the eyes of the outside world, she was an island girl.
An island girl, you can use for the duration of your vacation stay?
The king becomes even more disturbed by his son's obvious affection towards the "uncivilized island girl".
Her first film, Cempaka, revolved around the life of a native island girl.
The next week, Steve found the tropical island girls and told them to give back Opus.
Our island girls are famous for their rich, dark texture and full hips.
And what does a conventional little island girl do when she finds the loaf's been leavened?