Thomas Thorn had this irritating way of disarming almost any agitated situation or person.
But Lipschitz had only nodded in that irritating way of his.
The arguments were not to be put in an insulting or irritating way, but calmly and with great moderation.
The subject of race is presented in several witty, often purposefully irritating ways.
Charley started humming in that irritating way of his.
The three men exchanged looks in that irritating way they had, Uno going so far as to roll his eye.
There were the twins from Oklahoma who did uneven work and had an irritating way of cross-examining him.
"Let them enjoy it while they can," said Fang, reading my expression in that irritating way he had.
She liked to show her independence in a brazen, irritating way.
Also, both bands cover popular songs in quirkly, often irritating ways for the purpose of humor.