He has an irritating manner," Tambu admitted, "but he's a good man.
The old relic had apparently recovered from his shock- he was smiling in an irritating manner.
It may also mean acting in an antisocial, irritating manner while technically staying within the bounds of the rules.
Sid is a crass businessman whose irritating sales-pitch manner extends to his personal communications.
Inspector Meadows was a small man with a ginger head and what I considered a peculiarly irritating manner.
Elayne arched one eyebrow in an irritating manner.
His mind, particularly his conscience, was functioning in an abnormally irritating manner.
Noisy has an irritating manner at best; Mr. Ortega sounded a little impatient when he answered.
Instead, they continue their firm hold on power in a most disgustingly pompous and irritating manner.
He had that irritating manner of believing all was well and trusting everyone completely.