He cannot be irrevocably bound to fulfil election promises.
But with the release came a sense that he was now irrevocably bound to something-something good.
Her soul and the Rider's will be irrevocably bound at that moment.
And the story is irrevocably bound to universal truths.
We are tied to the magic of the Druid Histories, irrevocably bound.
"We are irrevocably bound together," he said.
Permission to hold them had been given because men were reluctant to be bound irrevocably to the will of appointed leaders.
So Rheginos learns from his gnostic teacher that the body, irrevocably bound to the processes of aging, is "corruption.
She looked up at him, not knowing what to say, but knowing that, from this moment on, her life was irrevocably bound to his.
What had happened in that room with Assef had irrevocably bound us.