It was the most irrevocable step you took in your life; but she didn't want to lose him.
He had taken another irrevocable step toward a new future.
Shana had not dared ask them to take that final, irrevocable step.
There were still many different avenues of research available before taking that possibly irrevocable step.
Hadn't he even thought once that it was almost as if he were doing things, taking irrevocable steps, in his sleep?
They have taken irrevocable steps that will insure their destruction.
"Before you take any irrevocable steps, there's something I've got to do," he said.
I have taken irrevocable steps, and we must act now or we will never be able to.
"I would like to believe that we have taken an irrevocable step."
I just have this thing about irrevocable steps, that's all.