The irrevocable commitment had been made.
He added that he was not making any "irrevocable commitment to anything because we have boards of trustees that would have to carefully review this."
By contrast, an irrevocable commitment to an independent central bank that operates under Germany's long shadow should lower inflation expectations overnight.
These figures do not include interest on the Federal debt, an irrevocable commitment that accounts for 14 percent of all Federal spending.
You meant, if the others don't play fair we take our irrevocable commitment back?
I'd have made your commitment irrevocable, all right - only you'd have become an irrevocable vegetable too!
The purchase of a permanent insurance policy does not necessarily imply an irrevocable commitment to premium payments.
Today, let us make an irrevocable commitment to the Connecticut family.
This House has an irrevocable commitment to freedom that is, and must be, our ethical and aesthetic guiding light.