And" - he grinned that irresistible, ugly grin - "who knows?
Darvish spread empty hands and grinned his patently irresistible grin.
The country reserve gives way to that irresistible grin.
"I still AM good," he replies with an irresistible grin.
"It's blank," said Lewisham with an irresistible grin.
An irresistible grin touched my lips when I thought of the confusion once my escape was discovered.
But his lazy-lidded gaze was the same, and his irresistible grin had not changed.
That irresistible grin, the crinkled nose.
In "Poets in Their Youth," she wrote that he had "an irresistible grin" and kissed her under the mistletoe.
The sound of your voice or the sight of your face is often all it takes to trigger baby's irresistible grin.