The port is an irreplaceable economic asset, creating more than 150,000 jobs both directly and indirectly.
Major Gregory is an irreplaceable national asset.
The world of tennis has lost a great friend and an irreplaceable asset.
The fight against poverty is the only way to avoid a situation where people are driven to destroy irreplaceable environmental assets, such as rain forests.
About the property at Mission Bay, he said: "It's an irreplaceable asset in a tightly constrained market."
Apparently, Hathor still preferred not to damage irreplaceable assets.
In sum, Palmyra is an irreplaceable biological asset.
It could, but all Americans would lose an irreplaceable asset.
Endangered wildlife and habitats are a precious and irreplaceable asset.
But the sale of these irreplaceable assets to reduce the budget deficit would be a terrible loss, and a foolish mistake for the new administration.