The raft was soon hurried and driven forward with a rapid but irregular movement, which lasted about ten minutes, and then stopped again.
She had an undulating, but, oftentimes, a sharp and irregular movement.
Southwick lurched over, hard put to balance himself against the irregular movement.
Nystagmus, irregular rapid movement of the eyes back and forth, or in circular motion.
Another messenger started after him, dodging, running in irregular movements.
Through all the rewrites, he was also quietly submitting his notes on the irregular movements of explosive sound.
He observed, paying close attention to the irregular movement, as it danced between telephone lines.
In the case of hemiballismus, the opposite occurs, leading to the characteristic large, irregular movements.
This is what Bartok's rhythm ought to sound like: a kind of movement, irregular but integrated.
If done properly, it will hurt the ears also, because of irregular movements.