The Cornish engine had irregular motion and torque though the cycle, limiting it mainly to pumping.
If the movement is uneven, clearly there will be acceleration, maximum speed, and retardation, since these appear in all irregular motions.
The tilt does undergo nutation; a slight, irregular motion with a main period of 18.6 years.
This irregular motion can cause the particles to collide with a droplet and be collected (Figure 2).
Turbulence is a phenomenon involving the irregular motion of air, studied in fluid dynamics.
Vibrobots: Produce an irregular shaking motion moving themselves around a surface.
The president refused to put so irregular a motion, but the House would not be quiet.
However, the tilt does undergo a slight, irregular motion (known as nutation) with a main period of 18.6 years.
Seas are the larger-scale, often irregular motions that form under sustained winds.
Marissa began to feel queasy from the rough, irregular motion.