An irregular lump, big as a grapefruit, moved, fell.
The unidentified body which lay on it had been reduced and rearranged to a mere series of irregular lumps under the blue sheet.
Instead he found their vehicle was closing on a vast irregular lump of dark rock.
An asteroid didn't have ends, the ones he had seen were all irregular roundish lumps.
Zouga went down on one knee and touched a rough, irregular lump of the smashed blue ground.
The result was a crude, temporary coin, an irregular lump of silver.
Rather than being smoothly tooled like my own, it was fashioned as an irregular lump.
The clay had been slapped on in great irregular lumps.
"Amber," he said, with satisfaction, as I turned the irregular lump over with a forefinger.
He looked quickly behind him and saw the irregular lumps of the dead hairless ones lying in a ragged row.