Life-threatening arrhythmias (irregular heart beats) are the leading cause of death in the first few hours of a heart attack.
And two drugs in its pipeline - one for obesity and smoking cessation and another for irregular heart beats - have analysts excited.
Murmurs, irregular heart sounds, caused by blood flowing through a defective heart, can be detected with high sensitivity and specificity.
To be honest, I don't feel any different from the day when they first told I had an irregular heart beat.
An irregular or slow heart rate.
Is your irregular heart rhythm new and you have a known heart problem?
Detecting irregular heart sounds is only the beginning.
Palpitations - irregular or rapid heart rate - can be caused by excess tea or coffee in susceptible individuals.
Coroner Rae Wooten speculated that Mimms "might have had an irregular heart because of some electrical dysfunction" stating: "That obviously isn't seen after death.
I have an irregular and bursting heart and that's why I'm here.