The moons of Neptune can be divided into two groups: regular and irregular.
As the British drew closer, they could see that the enemy was not sailing in a tight order, but rather in irregular groups.
This turn of event created a rural proletariat apt for brigandage and violence by irregular groups.
Both nuclei are characterised by an irregular group of working farms.
Many nations and some irregular armed groups deploy or have deployed combat frogmen.
These firqat irregular groups played a major part in denying local support to the rebels.
Afghans are one of the largest irregular migrant groups in Turkey.
Almost the whole is occupied by the Apennines, here an irregular group of lofty masses.
Drug trafficking is what finances the violence and the irregular groups in our country.
As a result, counternarcotics assistance and equipment should also be available for use against any of these irregular armed groups when necessary.