The lots were approximately 40 feet by 100 feet and were arranged around an irregular grid of streets.
The neighborhood is platted in an irregular grid, and includes a number of service alleys and short, narrow cross streets.
Another variation would be to make the grid itself irregular, such as with Penrose tiles.
Schemes defined for scattered data on an irregular grid should all work on a regular grid, typically reducing to another known method.
In his irregular grids, there is a sense of information pouring through that cannot be decoded but that can be shaped and tamed by painting.
Mr. Winters presents several heavily worked, handsome abstractions of multilayered, irregular grids and other patterns, like diagrams.
Most of the other intown areas ramble around an irregular grid, and you are never quite sure what you might find.
Using a palette knife, she applied paint in small swatches one after another, producing all-over, slightly irregular grids.
Due to the piecemeal development and hilly topography of the area, the streets form an irregular rectilinear grid.
They form a vast irregular three-dimensional grid.