The computer filled in an irregular red border around the perimeter, indicating the damaged areas.
If the spots have irregular borders, a dermatologist should look at them to make sure they are not melanoma, an invasive skin cancer.
They are usually larger than normal moles (5mm or more in diameter) and have irregular borders.
The rim of Montanari has been so deeply eroded by impacts that it is now little more than an irregular border around the interior floor.
Pakistan and Afghanistan have an irregular and poorly-marked border.
Call your doctor if you notice an irregular border on a mole or other skin growth.
But just beyond her, the carpet faded away, blending along an irregular border into the surface of the road.
The centre of the garden was to be paved, leaving irregular borders for planting at either side.
They usually have an irregular border with erythematous margins and the base is yellow.
It has an asymmetrical shape, and an irregular faintly pigmented border.