The Senate was the irreconcilable enemy of the French Republic.
I thought I paid him a fine compliment; he mistook it for a cruel offense, and became my irreconcilable enemy.
No, I should never forgive you; I should become your irreconcilable enemy.
He was an irreconcilable enemy of the Turks and continuously to quarrel with them, one day, he killed a Turk.
His irreconcilable enemy, David Duran, who coveted this office, is thought to have undermined Bakri's position.
Niemetschek adds, "By this remark he made for himself yet another irreconcilable enemy."
Britain, Napoleon's irreconcilable enemy, took the lead.
Non-humanoid and non-oxygen-breathing beings always proved to be the most irreconcilable enemies of the state and they were the prime targets of their battleship expeditions.
Another point of optimism is the sense that a marriage between betting on horse races and other sports, once considered irreconcilable enemies, may be possible and even inevitable.
Meanwhile his Liberal ideas had made him some irreconcilable enemies among the Ultramontanes.