I was seized by a sudden irrational terror.
His heart began to pump, the wildness of irrational uncontrollable terror.
They surrendered out of pure irrational terror at what he might do.
Gong-Ju has an irrational terror of the shadows of the branches outside her window moving against the picture.
James knew Doyle would have said that the woman brought the tragedy upon herself, through her uncontrollable, irrational terror.
Incoming gunfire held no irrational terror for them now, only the healthy fear that comes with experience.
On his return, he faces his mother's irrational terror and hostility from his father.
I fled in real, if irrational, terror and left the dog in the house.
But the only answer he received was yet another wave of sourceless, irrational terror.
For the first time in three weeks, Ginger was overwhelmed by a crushing, irrational terror.