The authors seldom clarify the difference between necessary responses to real threats to national security and violent, irrational reactions to imaginary enemies.
Try as she might, she could not dispel the irrational reaction that Jared had somehow let her down.
Littlepump, look at the massive irrational reaction there is to the accurate information regarding the limits of Cochlear implants.
Dr. Gould did not find this an irrational reaction.
That had been his first, irrational reaction.
So people there still have all these irrational reactions to things, or you see people being cold when they should show some kind of emotion.
As none was forthcoming, in an enraged and clearly irrational reaction, he shot the red car in its left front fender.
An irrational reaction it may have been but, in the circumstances, understandable.
The character then apologizes, admitting his irrational reaction to the mention of those certain words.
"We're as capable of an irrational reaction as any other sentient being," Nadeleen answered him quietly.