She wanted to strike at his face- She fought the irrational impulse.
It was an irrational impulse given the horrors of the night, but still he could not help the feeling.
As always, you show more affinity for the irrational impulses in society.
To read it in isolation had been an impulse, irrational, a sudden desire to escape for five or ten minutes.
Laughing at himself for the irrational impulse, he chose a table away from the main group of diners.
I have every confidence that we will all resist any irrational impulses toward flight before the job is finished.
For a moment she resisted a strong irrational impulse to curtsey.
Until recently, the irrational impulse has been identified with a small constellation of designers.
I was ready for the irrational impulse he counted upon.
An irrational impulse drove him to kick the wall.