Specially bred male Tsetse flies are sterilized through irradiation process.
The postal service has said the irradiation process, which kills bacteria, including anthrax and its toxic spores, poses no risk to human health.
The irradiation process is unrelated to nuclear energy, but it may use the radiation emitted from radioactive nuclides produced in nuclear reactors.
Usually, the irradiation process degrades the polymer.
The irradiation process was so complete that if the food were maintained in an antiseptic or dust free atmosphere, it wouldn't be attacked and would remain uncontaminated.
What we needed to prove in field trials was the harmlessness to animals and humans of the irradiation process.
There is consensus in the scientific community that the problem was specific to the lot, not the irradiation process because:
The irradiation process bombards foods with gamma radiation, either cobalt-60, commonly used in hospitals to provide radiation therapy, or cesium-137, a nuclear waste product.
The chemicals and residues produced by the irradiation process were not tested in this manner.
The irradiation process cross-links the polyolefin.