What an ironic reversal of Larths situation, with our own native culture nearly overwhelmed by exposure to the Great Galactic Library.
What an ironic reversal of his time on Earth, where the chatty, sophisticated chims found him taciturn and slow.
The note Scott leaves behind, in an ironic reversal of forgiveness, reads, "No one is to blame."
The unraveling, however, occurs in a series of abrupt and ironic reversals, some of them surprising, most of them satisfying.
And, in an ironic reversal, we might even be obliged to pay more for it.
That the guards are now as dead, while Jesus is alive also serves as an ironic reversal.
Karatek allowed his head to loll back against his daughter's shoulder in what he had to admit was an ironic reversal of their roles.
They possess a distinct beginning, middle and end, with some conveniently ironic reversals thrown in along the way.
Turns of play proceed by ironic reversals of fortune.
Is it a consciously ironic reversal of the negative stereotype of blacks?