Journalists and some historians have taken too literally her ironic remark that she refused to move because she was tired.
Even though he made further ironic remarks in this interview ("One thing you'd never do?"
And the deepest philosophical questions posed by euthanasia are only glancingly addressed, most often in Ramón's bitterly ironic remarks.
When he noticed an unsuccessful article, he would call for his senior master craftsman and make endless derisory and ironic remarks.
It might have been an ironic remark, and he actually thought the opposite.
Napoleon made ironic remarks during Fabvier's account, as if he had not expected that matters could not go otherwise in his absence".
Since teams often made ironic remarks about Soviet reality and ideology (those were the jokes the audience liked best), the show was soon no longer live, but taped.
A few of my acquaintances made ironic remarks about how INVOLVED I tended to get in things.
Mr President, President-in-Office of the Council, I am not sure whether my ironic remark annoyed you.
It was an ironic remark.