He also published two volumes of short poetry, bemused and sometimes ironic portraits of the human condition.
The poem, an ironic portrait and arch mockery of Rich, was payback to a man who had offended Miller.
But along the way Alice Thomas Ellis creates an ironic and vivid portrait of London, brilliantly catching its degradation and waste.
The opposing political slogans are juxtaposed to create an angry and ironic portrait of political and religious life in Israel.
And not just at Mr. Baldwin's broadly ironic portraits of power-hungry religious hypocrites.
Are her videos ironic post-modern portraits that subvert conventional patriarchal notions of women, or are they simply pretentious cheesecake, designed to titillate and exploit?
The book is notable for its ironic portrait of Turin's bourgeoise.
But the show's tone is set by an ironic portrait of New York City's 9/11 hero and former mayor, Rudolph W. Giuliani.
Fans of David Angus's contained, ironic portrait in Mr. Munch's movie won't recognize Epstein here.
Hardy's amiable, mildly ironic portrait of rural town life in the middle of the nineteenth century is perhaps the strongest aspect of the work.