With Richardson commuting from Fayetteville to Minneapolis, the no-nonsense, iron-fisted control that had characterized his past programs began to disappear for the 1986-87 season.
Yet they continue to maintain iron-fisted fiscal control over economy-size coffee cups?
But in these days of intense debate over the legality of Microsoft's iron-fisted control over the look of the desktop, I felt some action was warranted.
It makes you laugh hysterically while maintaining iron-fisted control of everyone around you.
Particularly opposed to him is Yancey Huggins (Raymond Burr), who sees a threat to his iron-fisted control of the town.
Mr. Assad's talk of popular support is dismissed by the West as a code word for iron-fisted control and intimidation.
Mr. Helms's iron-fisted control, and the end of the cold war, have discouraged senators from serving on the once-coveted Foreign Relations Committee.
"The church is able to keep iron-fisted control even though the top leaders are fugitives."
In China, cultural officials accustomed to iron-fisted control over artists and performances do not always welcome new financing; instead, they often feel threatened by it.
They were part of the "iron-fisted" control that allowed Sexton to order the murder of his son-in-law.