Initially, association volunteers visited Sing Sing and documented scandalous lashings of inmates, cold bath immersions and iron yokes.
I fear yet this iron yoke of outward conformity hath left a slavish print upon our necks; the ghost of a linen decency yet haunts us.
And yet she also felt the weight of responsibility that lay across her shoulders like an iron yoke.
If the acquisition of power in the shape of wealth caused this alteration, that power should they feel as an iron yoke.
The favoured countries of the south will throw off the iron yoke of servitude; poverty will quit us, and with that, sickness.
The bells are on an iron yoke with axles and self-aligning ball bearings mounted.
Ali understood the danger, and had the sultan been better advised, he would have pardoned Ali on condition of again bringing Hellos under his iron yoke.
He will put an iron yoke upon your neck until He has wiped you out.
Listen, in these hours of darkness, as we proudly toll the bell of freedom, just as our fathers and elder brothers did under the iron yoke of the Japanese imperialist".
Flannel rags were given the prisoners to wrap around the iron yokes so the cold metal would not touch their necks.