Above the flames a blackened cauldron hung from an iron tripod.
This task performed, the caldron, based on an iron tripod, was placed on the woodpile.
They were very small cannon, mostly mounted on iron tripods, but they had inflicted a hard punishment on the men crammed along the fort's approach.
Beside the table stood a large iron tripod bearing a huge bronze cauldron.
The braziers were made of unadorned gray stone and supported by iron tripods.
The work crew was busy setting up cables and tall reflectors for the lights, which were set on huge iron tripods.
The three bronze cauldrons were resting on iron tripods.
Halfway down the balcony a huge brass telescope was mounted on a heavy iron tripod.
The rushlight holder was usually mounted on an iron tripod or a wooden block.
At the exact point where the three borders meet, there is an iron tripod with the names of each state.