He spurred mixed feelings in Mr. Kissinger, who wrote that his adversary's "subtlety, his acumen, his iron self-discipline," were admirable, and "in all the years of negotiation with me he never lost his poise; he never made a mistake."
Maintains iron self-discipline.
In fact, Givens was convinced, he managed it through iron self-discipline.
John Lecky was the eldest grandson of H R MacMillan, a timber and paper magnate, who impressed on him the importance of setting demanding goals in life and of applying hard work and iron self-discipline to achieve them.
Through her iron self-discipline, Laura had managed to control some of her phobias, such as fear of cows, small insects and mice, but she never obliterated the memory of how she had suffered in younger days.
He put to good use his training in scolding boys as a schoolteacher, a bent for theatrical presentation learned in the pulpit as a lay Methodist preacher and an iron self-discipline stemming from his experiences as a temperance leader.
Helms wrote about Smith's background before coming to the CIA, that the General "had earned his stars by furiously hard work, an iron self-discipline, and relentless attention to business".
Nonetheless, Don Felipe exercised his iron self-discipline long enough to get a good idea what the thing most resembled, though having no faintest germ of an idea just what it truly was.
But one of the reasons for Luiz Rozsak's rapid rise was his iron self-discipline.
They did not have the major's iron self-discipline, however.